Sunday, January 18, 2009

Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds

"Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds" is the supposed sequel to 2004's original "Eating Out" film, and has characters and actors (with the exception of Ryan "Desperate Housewives" Carnes, who was replaced by Brett Chuckerman in the role of Mark), although it is actually a stand-alone story that doesn't require familiarity with the first film. The actors (especially former "America Idol" contender Jim Verranos as Kyle) seem to be more comfortable in their roles this time around, newcomer Marco Dapper (as Troy) shows significant acting ability, and there are more funny scenes than cringe-inducing ones this time around. The film is also improved by the casting of Mink Stole as Kyle's mom, Adrian Quinonez (from Here!TV's "Dante;s Cove") as one of the (not-so)ex-gays, and Michael Serrato (from Logo's "Big Gay Sketch Show") as a flamboyant art teacher. Besides the hypocrisy of many in the ex-gay movement, the story also tries to teach lessons on parental acceptance and trust in a relationship, but it really doesn't register on that level. DVD includes "making of" featurette and director commentary.

Don't expect great filmmaking; it's obviously a low-budget farce, and works well on that level. Based strictly on the story and direction, I'd give it only three stars, but it gets an extra star for being great fun and providing some dazzling eye candy! Read More...

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